Hi I’m Áine

August 9, 2023 0 Comments

I’m a 24-year-old engineer whose always had a fascination with how things work. In my free time, you can catch me doing a variety of things, depending on the season and the weather of course! I enjoy everything from crochet to paddleboarding and will give most things a go at least once! When I’m not out on the water or stitching up a storm on the couch, you might see me trying to capture a moment in time by taking photos. Other than that, I really enjoy all things musical, including musicals themselves, as well as movies, (you can find my thoughts on some of the ones I’ve been to on this site).

My labrador Sully and me enjoying the March flowers with my new haircut!

For a while, I had been considering cutting my hair and going quite a bit shorter than I had had it for the last ten or so years. Shortly before deciding to cut it, my mom mentioned that she thought that I might have enough hair to donate it, and what do you know, I had ten inches to where I was planning to cut it! You can see me post-haircut with my dog Sully (yes, named after James P. Sullivan from Monsters Inc, I admit it, I am a Disney nerd) in the picture above. I was able to send off a bunch of ponytails of curls to Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids in Michigan to help children who are experiencing hair loss due to a wide range of reasons, such as cancer treatment, alopecia, trichotillomania, burns and various other disorders.